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• Unakite is a stone of vision.  It balances emotions with spirituality.• Unakite provides grounding when needed.  It facilitates rebirthing, gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth.• Unakite supports convalescence and recovery from major ..
35.00 USD
• Howlite is an aid to insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind. Formulates ambitions and aids in achieving them.• Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. Calms communication, facil..
32.00 USD
• Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”.  It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness.• Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy.  It balances yin and yang.  Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollutio..
39.00 USD
Royal Seven Chakras Bracelet , 8mm Rose Quartz + Seven Rare Stones For Chakras
Royal Seven Chakras Bracelet , 8mm Rose Quartz + Seven Rare Stones For Chakras ..
100.00 USD
• Amazonite is a soothing stone.  It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health. Balances the masculine and feminine energies.• Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view.  It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating..
42.00 USD
Royal Seven Chakras Bracelet , 8mm Ametist + Seven Rare Stones For Chakras
• A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies.  Excellent for strengthening intuition - promoting psychic abilities.  Powerful i..
120.00 USD
• Smokey Quartz dissolves cramps, strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves. It is particularly effective for abdomen, hips and legs.  Relieves headaches, back pain, eases muscular spasms.• Smokey Quartz benefits the reproductive system, the heart, muscles and nerve tissue. It reg..
40.00 USD
Showing 1 to 80 of 207 (3 Pages)